Missional Living Academy - Building a life of impact
Choosing a life of impact?
When your priority is making an impact, I am here to help you navigate the challenges. Design a business or career that gives you freedom to live a life of mission.
I am developing a series of training programs for using remote work to build a life of impact.
- Tips and technology to document the communities where you travel.
- Life-work Integration
- Becoming more location independant
- Managing time with automation and asynchronous work
- Community building and care
- Tips for working in multicultural community
- Getting started with a community based mission
- Maintaining community while working remote
Get the full program for in payment of $1038. Pay in full today includes a pack of 3 one-on-one coaching calls.
or make 6 monthly payments of $173
Chet’s Missional Experience
I had an early start in a high-tech career in high school and college. I chose to put caring for my wife who had a severe chronic illness ahead of my career. I started using automation and remote work because I couldn’t run into the office to retart a server while I was at the doctor with my wife. I honed my skills in automation while working for some for large telecommunications companies. My automation systems have been integrated into the internet backbone and services you have come to rely on.
I helped my wife start a location indepedent business. Location independence allowed her to run it during trips to the doctor, or when the illness got bad, from her bed. And we moved into a motorhome so we could take her bed wherever we went.
Today, I use my location independant lifestyle to bring remote work and digital literacy to remote villages.
Subscribe to my newsletter to learn more about my adventures and projects.
Our Motto: Never Give Up! Always Hope! Live Life!
My late wife learned this early in life as a childhood cancer (ALL) survivor.
Later in life, she was struck with a rare form of Mitochondrial Myopathy (MELAS).
She lived life to the fullest even when her body was failing.